Diet & Nutrition

Proper diet and nutrition are important to any healthy lifestyle, and they play a critical role in the fight against cancer.

Your body needs the right fuel to promote an effective immune system and maintain energy throughout your treatment and survivorship.

Proper Diet is Vital to Your Recovery

Eating can be difficult during treatment.

You may feel nauseous and experience constipation, diarrhea or difficulty swallowing. Your sense of taste and appetite may change.

Still, eating is vital to your recovery, and you must know what foods will help you get better – and what foods to avoid.

According to your metabolism and the type of cancer you are fighting, the choices available to you can vary.

Personalized Diet Services

OSF HealthCare nutrition specialists will work with you one-on-one to craft a sustainable diet plan that meets your unique needs and goals.


They will provide nutrition recommendations to maintain lean body mass and digestive health.

They can also identify individual strategies to maintain good nutrition and your specific dietary needs during and after cancer therapy.

Learn More

To learn more about nutrition and diet services near you, please reach out to your local OSF cancer center or oncology care team.

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